Isolated Wackiness, Shared By Everybody in the Whole Damn County

It takes a village to drive out a family. And if the whole village does it, it’s not just atypical, isolated wackiness.

Images to Amend the Constitution By

If Dianne Feinstein can propose Constitutional amendments because she saw a moving photograph in the newspaper, so can I. But I’m going to use different photographs.

Fuck This Shit, I’m Moving to Oakland

Berkeley is only the 8th scariest liberal city in the country. We can’t even beat out Detroit? Sigh. But you gotta love what makes that city so very very liberal:

The Almanac of American Politics notes that [Detroit] was “a city where liberal reformers hoped to create model anti-poverty and anti-discrimination programs.”

As opposed to conservative reformers’ […]

Friday Review of Stuff

Places near campus that serve truly wretched mochas:

The Thai cafeteria place on Bancroft, just north of Telegraph. It has some sort of name, a very generic sort; they pour the Hershey’s syrup into your coffee while you watch, not even pretending that the word “mocha” has ever implied the kiss of real chocolate. It’s not […]

We Demand Representation!

Representation of igneous rocks on the Supreme Court, that is.

Hump Day a Lump a Dump Day

It’s Wednesday, and I’m thinking about kabocha squash and kugel. (The San Francisco Chronicle’s food section is by no means equal to the L.A. Times’, but since I get the Chron in paper form for optimal breakfast-squinting-at, it’ll have to do.) And while I’m thinking of it, this fruity tofu kugel is yummy, and would […]

The 4th Circuit Pees on the 4th Amendment

Are we in a police state yet? When’re we gonna be there? I have to go potty! Are we in a police state yet? I want ice cream! Where’s the fascism?

Court Rules U.S. Can Indefinitely Detain Citizens in “Wartime” [via]

A federal appeals court ruled today that the president can indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen captured […]

Modern Society

Miss Manners gets a letter from another non-cell-phone-owner - I am not alone! Perhaps I’ll revert to not owning an answering machine as well, and put out a little basket so that people can leave their calling cards if they drop by while I am out.
Did you know that COBRA coverage isn’t available to people […]

H.R. 902, Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2020

Meanwhile, in important Congressional business, 6 (count ‘em, SIX) Representatives voted against H.R. 902, the Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2020.
My heart belongs to the Susan B. Anthony dollar (seriously, a feminist and the Moon on one coin? Dude!) but even so I can appreciate the need for a more diverse and, therefore, entertaining coinage. […]

Defamation in the Congressional Record, hoorah!

Well here’s a nice tactic: take an otherwise innocuous legislative amendment designed to exempt grandmothers and Greyhound drivers from liability for transporting a minor across state lines for medicinal purposes, and rewrite the summary to say the amendments are all about protecting rapists and pedophiles. Attempts to change the summaries back to something halfway accurate […]